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10/03/13 3:19 AM

#3142 RE: gharma #3139

If The Banks Who Have Completely Manipulated the gold and silver markets and every other market for that matter are too big too fail then the only option left is that they succeed.

Putting all the crime aside of course.

What gets me is how the Lamestream media defends the criminal bankster situations.

CNBC has a special position in the presstitute media hierarchy. They basically defend Wall Street at all costs. The station represents the most important media gatekeeper for the financial oligarch, crony class.The following video is an interview on the daily political talk show Majority Report, hosted by Sam Seder. In this episode, he discusses with Matt Taibbi the recent appearance of Salon’s Alex Pareene on CNBC in which Maria Bartiromo unabashedly presstitutes herself out for Jaime Dimon and JP Morgan in an utterly embarrassing manner.

The clip is a little over 16 minutes, but well worth your time. Sam Seder is pretty hilarious and his rapport with Taibbi is excellent.


10/27/13 10:34 PM

#3193 RE: gharma #3139

Massa leads in midterm vote by wide margin, according to partial results

With 65.69 percent of the polling stations counted in the key province of Buenos Aires, Renewal Front candidate and opposition leader Sergio Massa was comfortably leading the race with 43.49 percent of the votes, over rival Martín Insaurralde, President Fernandez's star candidate, who obtained 31.85 percent.

According to the first official results released by Interior Minister Florencio Randazzo in a press briefing today, the Civic and Social Progressive Front was in third place with 12.37 percent of the votes.

Argentines voted today to choose half of the Lower House of Congress and a third of the Senate.

Earlier, Randazzo said elections took place “with normality” across Argentina. Only one incident was registered in the Buenos Aires locality of Merlo where the Victory Front reported that Renewal Front polling station authorities “took out and destroyed” ballot papers. They were later detained by the police.

These elections are marked by the absence of the Fernández de Kirchner who underwent a brain surgery earlier in October. As she was recommended strict rest by doctors, Vice President Amado Boudou replaced her during the electoral campaign.