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09/30/13 11:42 AM

#35512 RE: Falkner #35511

get a shrink to talk to.
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09/30/13 1:24 PM

#35514 RE: Falkner #35511

Sounds to me like you have allowed yourself to get emotional with your VTSI investment. This is a penny stock on the pinks with a market cap a little over $6.5M. My recommendation is to not make it more than what it is (a high risk gamble); and don't sell the company and management short. Considering what they are, IMO, they have made some remarkable progress since Nov 11. A summary of what Virtra has released publically since Nov 11 follows. If you view the summary without emotion and consider where they started in Nov 11, I think any rational person would conclude that it looks like they are on the right track and they are doing it on the cheap, which is what this shareholder wants to see them do.

Dec 11: America’s Most Wanted appearance; Agora Telecom sale of V-100; Virtra retains accounting firm to conduct audit; Virtra on cover of Military Technology.

Jan 12: Hired Marketing Director (not sure he is still there).

Feb 12: Hires a new VP Hardware Development (still with them).

Mar 12: Virtra and their Controller part ways (raises questions in to audit status); Announces annual shareholder meeting (08 May12).

Apr 12: Hires Director for DoD Sales (still with them); Reschedules shareholder meeting for 08Jun12; Announces two domestic multi-screen sales and two foreign sales (Indonesia and Nepal).

May 12: New website and corporate logo; new collaboration with Lockheed Martin; hired new Director of Finance and Corporate Controller (still with them); Sale of a V-300 to Hudson County Office of Emergency Management, who in turn hosted a demonstration for multiple New Jersey departments.

Jun 12: Virtra receives product order from Lockheed Martin; Virtra and Moultrie Police Department partner regional demonstration of V-300 LE.

Jul 12: Reports Q1 profit of $246K; Virtra partners with Lake County Sheriff’s Office for V-300 demonstration; 2011 audited financials released.

Aug 12: Reports 2012 Q2 with improved net margins.

Sep 12: Announces record August sales of $1.25M, and addition of Canadian distributor (Tundra).

Nov 12: Announces 2012 Q3 results (weak revenue of $1.42M and net loss of $630K)

Jan 13: Announces record December and Q4 sales; Virtra partners with Prince George’s County Sheriff’s Office for V-300 regional demo.

Feb 13: Artemis Defense Institute sale announced; Kansas City Grand Jury experience Virta simulator and use of force decision; City of Spokane to acquire Virtra simulation system as part of Use of Force Commission implementation plan.

Mar 13: Virtra partners with Milwaukee Police Department for demo of V-300 and V-Range; Release audited 2012 financials with record revenue and a profitable year.

Apr 13: Virtra wins a $2M international contract; Virtra and Tundra to be part of the new “100 Series Rules” training program in support of Maritime use of Force.

May 13: Virtra participates in Police One roundtable on LE training; Virtra gains National attention on ABC News with Dianne Sawyer; Report 2013 Q1 results ($2.49M in revs and $530K net income); Virtra and Artemis partner for regional demo of V-300 and V-Range.

Jun 13: Virtra partners with Fairfield and Vallejo Police Department for regional demo of V-300.

Jul 13: Virtra simulator called out as key component in preparing against stress in firearms on a Beretta USA Blog; Joint Base Police Officers train on Virtra at Dahlgren; Vallejo Police Department purchases V-300LE.

Aug 13: Reports 2013 Q2 results and record $5.33M in purchase orders ($1.57M in revenue and a net loss of $130K); Virtra simulation and training featured on LA public TV news broadcast; Virtra partners with Boston PD for regional demo of V-300.

Sep 13: Virtra shares booth with Beretta USA at 2013 IACP Expo.