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09/27/13 4:55 PM

#37304 RE: StefenL #37301

Yes. We certainly are at a cross roads. Im holding as I said over and over. "Things" are building.
Even more patents, MATERION CC information, more stock, insider buying. But its really not that much different than other big stocks. NETFLIX....the CEO was dragged over the coals...about raising the rent price...that's when NFLX was still a "red video mailer"...oh such bashing on the message boards...calling him a total idiot...well, look what that idiot has done since then. And the "gurus" were there, the all knowing "gurus" of the message board. With LQMT, all we can do is hang on and see where it takes us...PAST knowledge is totally useless on the future performance. We could wake up one morning to find the whole game has changed...the company has transformed...It did transform with those patents back in we have MORE patents...LQMT is transforming...but we don't know exactly how...we can't see behind the curtain...and that's fine with me...because I AM a true