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09/26/13 12:05 PM

#234261 RE: Snackman #234260

I didn't say the individual analysts are paid by the companies included in their research reports.

I stand by my statement of: "In general, Gartner does not include any vendor in their analysis if the vendor is not a client of Gartner. It is a safe assumption that all vendors in the charts are clients of Gartner and pay a hefty subscription fee to Gartner. Therefore, all vendors on the chart have paid money to Gartner."

In addition, Gartner analysts are not "compensated based on the accuracy of their research calls" as there are no clear metrics to measure these in a Gartner analysis. Gartner analysts do not predict share price values.


09/26/13 1:36 PM

#234263 RE: Snackman #234260

This is a little different than the other "analysts" Wave paid to parrot the CEO's fantasy predictions of imminent break-even and big deals in the old Death Valley PipeLine where deals go to die. Or is that in Lee?

RedChip, Next Inning, and many more "analysts" were hired by Wave to predict good things, none of which ever came true--because they were completely fictitious to begin with.


09/26/13 4:16 PM

#234264 RE: Snackman #234260

WAVX $2.00 by Sept correction by the end of Sept. If Im wrong I can claim I dont recall posting this.


10/01/13 7:08 AM

#234314 RE: Snackman #234260

Ya gotta hand it to the oids they are relentless with the dot connecting! Its to bad for them those dots almost never really connect to waves bank account!!! Which could be a good thing considering the horrible mismanagement by this company over the last say 20 something years !

Now it looks like we might have another funneling of shareholders money to another Sprague family member to pay off the taxes on the family farm they said they couldn't afford to pay even though this Sprague just purchased another house for almost the same amount as they owed in taxes !!!

Its funny but this latest deal covers the tax amount with a little gravy left over , probably so this Sprague can take a nice vacation in the Bahamas after paying those taxes , ya know the stress n all with being so far behind on those taxes the threat of foreclosure, he needed a little vacation time its only right isn't oids ?

Here's a link to the interesting story behind the story ?

Isn't the timing just a tad suspicious? When connected with this dot ??

Item 3.02 Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities.
On September 16, 2013, the Company entered into a software development and license agreement (the "License Agreement") with a counterparty (the "Licensor"), pursuant to which the Company acquired a license of certain software and related intellectual property rights from the Licensor. Upon execution of the License Agreement, and as part of the consideration payable by the Company under the License Agreement, the Company issued to the Licensor 372,578 unregistered shares of the Company's Class A common stock. The issuance of such shares was exempt from registration under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, in reliance on Section 4(2) thereof.

It certainly looks like a dubious deal doesn't it the timing and all ? Hey maybe wave is licensing some software from Mikey who in turn is giving the money to daddy to pay those nasty taxes Hmmm ! With this company shiit like this is a definite possibility !

Wow it just gets better and better doesn't it ?

Its to bad the oids aren't very good at connecting the REAL dots ain't it?

I wonder where those phantom Samsung products are ! Anyone?

PCLN 1009 dollars a share , wavx ONE DOLLAR and TWENTY NINE CENTS A SHARE and THAT after TWO REVERSE STOCK SPLITS!!! What an embarrassing company!!!!!