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09/26/13 10:58 AM

#234255 RE: Snackman #234247

Not much interest in this pos is there ?

Probably because no ones buying their products in any significant amounts .

Is wave cloud 2014 going to the latest new product launch that is supposed to be hot but then investors find out in a year or the next quarter that it obviously was not ! Because waves revenues decline or stay roughly the same! Is this company a laughingstock or what ?

Can't wait to here how ginormous the pipeline is and how so many are showing a tremendous amount of interest in waves products during the 3rd q cc , how bout you ?

I wonder what kind of smoke Fat Albert is going to blow up investors nostrils this time , any ideas ? Do you think Fat Albert will finally show some respect to the shareholders and let them know WTH is going on with Samsung? Are there any products yet ? If not WTH not ? What's the truth regarding Dell ? Wtf is the real issue getting scambls working with IE ? There are thousands of plug ins for IE why can't Mikey get it done ? Especially considering wave is such great partners with Microsoft ! WTH happened to to the revenues scambls was supposed to be generating oh about a year ago ! Wtf ! What happened to WEM fatso said it was hot and in demand at product launch WTH happened because it obviously was not nor is ?

Watch the volume baby !!

It is kinda hard to watch the volume when there is none don't you think?

PCLN 1011 dollars a share , wavx ONE DOLLAR and TWENTY NINE CENTS A SHARE! After two reverse stock splits even ! WOW what a pathetic embarrassing company!!!


10/03/13 9:36 AM

#234347 RE: Snackman #234247

Whatever happened to the $2 by September and then the $2 by the end of September?

I see $ 1.32 and its Oct 3rd ? With about zero volume. What gives ? Did another deal mysteriously disappear ? Delayed by a flood ? Vanish out of thin air ? Please do tell

What's the deal with this licensing someone elses software ? Why ? From whom ? Why do they appear to be hiding something ?

Was it another inside family favor deal to pay the taxes on the family farm ? Dilute shareholders again for the family? That's what it looks like. I'm sure you can understand considering waves history why folks would feel this way .

Are those Samsung products just phantom products? Like the keyboards of yesteryear that Samsung was supposed to build with wave inside ?

Where is that hot wem ? Weren't there supposed to be a couple 500000 seat deals for it as it was being launched? Where'd those deals go ?

What about knowd ? Do you knowd where it went ?

What about scambls ? What happened to the revenues it was supposed to be generating what last fall ? About a year ago right ? Where are they at ? Did those deals vanish out of thin air too ? Or is it hot air ?

Legitimate questions and fair ones , unfortunately wave appears to be run by buffoons that are not interested in dealing respectfully with their shareholders offering zero explanations for the multitudes upon multitudes of times they have stated that deals were going to happen and product launches were in demand and breakeven was nigh at the door only to be proven terribly in error , confounding isn't it ?

I'm sure you can understand investors disappointment and frustration and anger even , at these appalling repeated disgraceful behavior patterns by the company, they give the appearance of being nothing but arrogant pos , what else could explain their treatment of some of the most loyal longtime shareholders a company could possibly want !! I don't know what else personally could explain this , do you have any thoughts on this ?

Do you think Stevie boy is going to be able to pull the wool over anyones eyes today at this investor conference ? Will find some ignorant fresh fish to invest in this embarrassing company?

I personally doubt it but who knows right ?

Ps what did showing a lot of leg very soon really mean ? And is your very soon like sks's very soon ? Which usually means never !!!


PCLN 1067 DOLLARS A SHARE!!!!! Thats a WOW , wavx ONE DOLLAR and THIRTY TWO CENTS A SHARE!!!!! AFTER TWO REVERSE STOCK SPLITS EVEN!!! AND TWENTY YEARS OF ZERO PROFITS thats like double quadruple WOW there isn't it ? THAT is EMBARRASSING don't you think?


10/07/13 11:58 PM

#234383 RE: Snackman #234247

A buck 36 is pretty close to two dollars a share isn't it?

What happened to the very soon thing wavey gravy Stevie was supposed to show us ?

And what about showing us some leg ? Did he do that at the conference? I still don't get it, seems rather weird to me , what did that really mean since you are the one who stated it ? Please do tell, awful strange thing to say

Ol fatso says alot of things that don't make any sense maybe its contagious? Just seems rather odd that a guy would say another guy was going to show us all some leg ! I don't get it I guess is it some kinda joke ?

Wouldn't it be nice if wave was really clear and transparent and trustworthy and reliable and decent and respectful In it's communications with its shareholders? Wouldn't that be fantastic? How do you feel about that?