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Flat Foot

09/25/13 1:32 PM

#21522 RE: Loyalhound #21519

Sturgeon County permit applications are public record>>look here:

This post has all the pertinent public record info:

Below are the minutes from the meeting regarding the RV Park there wanting to build across the street from ON-TRACK. As you can see it's very extensive...

Could you imagine a CREOSOTE GASIFICATION COOKER being discussed - The manufacturer IET has NEVER built a CREOSOTE RAIL TIE COOKER before. Shhheeesssshhhhh.

C. Walker provided an overview of Proposed Bylaw 1266/11 and had
the following comments:
• The purpose of this amendment to the Land Use Bylaw 819/96 is to
list a “Campground” as a site-specific Discretionary Use on the
lands associated with Poplar Woods Holdings and to change the
definition of “Campground” to incorporate cabins and surveillance
suites and, to exclude work camps.
• The subject lands comprises of three adjoining parcels on SW 4-55-
23 W4M, located approximately five (5)miles east of Namao,
adjacent to Highway 37.
• In 2005 the applicant, in partnership with the Canadian Forestry
Service, planted a portion of these lands with several varieties of
poplar trees. In 2009, another portion of the lands were used for
an afforestation research site called the Centre for the
“Development of Short Rotation Woody Crop Best Practices”.
• The applicant has stated that they will comply with approved
standards for campgrounds and RV parks as required by the
Alberta Hotel and Lodging Association. Water and sanitary services
will be provided on site in conjunction with localized service lines
to connect to recreational vehicles. Plans are that water will be
delivered by tanker truck and phytoremediation technology is
planned for disposing of sewage on to a controlled part of the
woodlot. A detailed proposal has been submitted from MPE
Engineering to undertake the necessary studies for Mr. Lamoureux.
• A campground store will provide supplies, food and local artisan
products. A surveillance residence will also be on site.
• A number of recreational activitiessuch as trails, outdoor laser tag,
survival training, etc. are also planned.
• A petition has been received in support of this project.
There have also been letters expressing concerns.
• There were no objections from County departments and external
agencies regarding this proposal and there were no objections
from the City of Edmonton although they did advise that there may
be comments at the Development Permit Stage, specifically
relating to the stormwater management plan and servicing of the
• Engineering Services and Alberta Transportation have requested
that a traffic impact assessment be prepared. The proponent has
requested a consultant prepare a “technical memorandum”, which
was not satisfactory to Alberta Transportation, it was sufficient for
them to not object to the amendment from proceeding in the
interim and the full traffic impact assessment deferred to the
development permit stage. Alberta Transportation may have
requirements regarding the number of campsites, the necessity of
an intersection upgrade and other matters before a roadside
development permit can be issued which, is a requirement for the
County prior to issuing a Development Permit for the campground.

Mayor Rigney asked if there were any comments from anybody in
attendance at the public hearing.
K. McGillis asked if with the uncertainty of Alberta Transportation and
the traffic impact assessment, the applicant is aware of the land issues
such as the possibility of a Type 3 Intersection at that location.
C. Walker responded that he believes the applicant is well aware and
realizes that it will have to be addressed. He just wanted to get the
Land Use Amendment out of the way.
D. Rigney asked about the sewage disposal and their proposalto utilize
a phytoremediation system. Given the requirements of Alberta
Health, can this be done on an acreage with a single family home? Is
there a fallback solution.
C. Walker responded that that the applicant who will be in attendance
at the evening portion of the hearing would be able to respond to that.
The system would be required to meet the 2009 Alberta Private
Sewage Standard of Practice.
D. Rigney indicated that an option could be to haul it away to an
approved disposal facility. There would be fallbacks.
N. Best read in to the record the following correspondence:
1. Letter from Ken Dobush received by e-mail on June 9, 2013
2. Letter from Naeim Mehrabkhani received by e-mail on June 10,
Mayor Rigney asked if there were any comments from anybody in
Mayor Rigney recessed the public hearing at 11:11 a.m. and advised all
in attendance that the public hearing would reconvene this evening at
6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers.