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09/11/13 7:29 PM

#234013 RE: New Wave #234012

Hi NW,

Thanks for the thorough investigation.

I might challenge the strength of the assertion about the effectiveness of market forces in regulating the market. Much water under that bridge. And after all, the OEMs and other enterprises are exactly analagous to the ISPs that have had to bend the knee to the NSA. The ISPs, of course, were bound by a strict code of omerta, so it was only because of Snowden that the truth was revealed.

On the other hand, I sympathise with folks trying to prove they are trustworthy. It's a hard reputation to win and difficult to assert. Even when a person maintains their integrity while others around them have not.

On the other hand, I also think that because of Snowden and the scepticism of the legions of folks with attitudes like yours truly, the testing of the chips will be that much more thorough.

And also, I expect TCG not to sit on its hands or presume that it is seen the way it may wish to be seen, but to find a process by which to provide assurance during the manufacturing phase.

Couple of questions.

I thought it was SS who affirmed that the chips could be tampered with during manufacture. He said it of Chinese TPMs. So I guess the assertion necessarily involves an expectation about a nation's future behaviours matching its preceding ones.

Where did you get the idea that the German government fully supports TPM? Did that emerge from the conference? I'm waiting for written clarification after their initial response which was far from supportive.