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01/09/06 3:11 PM

#106145 RE: jmslat #106144

It would seem to me that if content were streamed say to an ipod rather than either encrypted or cached then Wave's patent would not necessarily apply. The catch as opposed to cache is how does one protect streaming video from being captured on the fly, stolen, and reproduced illegally. This is not a new question. It has been the basic question of how does one protect the peripherals and channels from the beginning.

It is why the Seagate Momentus Drive and Seagates de facto rather than contractual relationship with Wave takes on much meaning and is hard to read as to what extent it is empty wind on a screen or nuclear fuel rods forcing millions of CONSUMERS to upgrade their new machines to Wave enabled trusted drives and subscriber managed content on those drives.

That is why Barge has often referred to my position that it is largely about politics and marketing of technology rather than patents which almost always get stolen, manipulated, or outdated too quickly.

I certainly can't prove it, but it appears that seagate/dell/Intel/AMD/Gateway/LaGrande/Presideo = the infrastructure for delivering what couldn't be delivered in 1988 or 2005. Oh, and yes...... Wave's technology is proven to interoperable work with everyone else. Maybe now they can take it to the Bank (of America) and get rid of the absurd tokens and expensive work arounds. Just because Weets started saying It's coming years early doesn't mean it isn't coming.

I don't know when or if it's coming, but I have this hunch that even CPA is beginning to think it will.

Maybe seagate/maxtor/Thibideau/Willet turns out to be the fat man. Let us hope that when the smoke and mirrors clear that the mirrors will reflect a powerful light of sunshine for the rest of the decade. The glass sure ain't full, but neither is it empty.

PS Digspace...your post seemed to make sense. However Peter once told me years ago face to face that he would have given the whole project up so I don't think the issue is argument. You're better off asking what Peter has done for us lately? A question my dad was always fond of asking me when I told him I mowed the lawn last week. I do believe that both of them in 1988 and now saw Wave as a company that distributes secure content and documents. It's long past time for Wavexpress and esign to do some of that. I urge folks to ask SKS WHEN not who or how from this point forward. Things have taken enough time.
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01/09/06 11:24 PM

#106169 RE: jmslat #106144

Thanks for the sagacious observation. A nice counterpoint to the coldly conjectural beer I'm drinking. A beer, not a Kool-Aide(tm).