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09/03/13 2:44 PM

#51599 RE: Cburg #51598

If it was up to me I would give them until the end of the month, so pretty much a full 4 weeks. I really don't think they need anywhere near this long but whatever, just so they don't have any excuses.
I would ask for:

- ALL results ever obtained from the unit, both at Intertek and at their location and wherever else. They absolutely 100% have to have something after all these years.

- Photos of the insides of the box. At this point excuses about IP are BS because there is no I and hardly any P in there and nobody is trying to steal their "technology". And you can't replicate something based on a couple of photos anyway.

- A video of it heating water, as soon as all parts are in and it is functioning.

- Exact plans going forward, what parts are still needed, exactly why, where are they, when will they be here, when will the unit be ready for testing, etc. No general fluff like until now, something specific that a grownup can consider a valid excuse.

- A firm commitment to a date for obtaining results at Intertek. Ideally since there are 4 weeks we should already have the actual results.

- An explanation of exactly why it took 3 years to get... well nowhere. We are exactly where we were 3 years ago, absolutely 0 progress. I would like a detailed explanation of all the delays and all the supposed progress, just so we have it all together and in writing with as much detail as possible.

- An explanation of how they feel about the huge discrepancy between what has been promised and what has been delivered. And especially not just what was promised for the future but what we were told the status and progress was versus what it actually was. And an explanation of exactly why that does not constitute flat out lying on multiple occasions.

I am sure I am forgetting some things and others here can improve on those items and add new ones. Also, there may be reasons for giving them more time than that or less time.
It is not a lot to ask for, not more than half a day for one person to put it all together on their side since it should all be information they have and at this stage they owe us far more than just that. If they do not deliver on these simple requests we consider it a done deal and go after them right away. No reason waiting further.
It may be a good idea to put together a somewhat formal document and email and/or mail it to them, with as many aliases as possible included, ideally actual names. Individual investors trying to contact them obviously achieves nothing at all but hopefully they have a harder time ignoring a detailed, respectful and constructive request from a large number of investors. If they do then we have to do what we have to do...