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09/04/13 8:20 AM

#7209 RE: hlegweakreturns #7202

Legman Yes you are correct. At the 2012 Shareholdrs meting Joe Miller (former CTO Corning) had a slide with a graph showing Germanium, Gallium Arsenide and Lithium Niobate stepping up to Perkinamine. The important thing about Perkinamine is that it does not occur naturally and therefore is protected by a patent, the others occur naturally in nature as does graphene, therefore it is available to whoever wants to make it and play with it and that is why you see so much research with them. There is one other company that has a material similar Lightwaves it is called Gig Optix, the problem with that molecule (M3 I think they call it now) is that it cannot handle CMOS temperatures and because of oxygen cannot hold up in the earth’s atmosphere, they are forced to vacuum pack it in Kovar which makes the devices Large stand-alone (off the chip) and expensive. That company states that their product is on silicon and has small form factor,( IMO kind of deceiving to anyone not paying attention) The guys here hate when I point out what is wrong with that because they think that I’ll upset someone at the other company but the bottom line is that we as investors need to understand what is out there and how it will be excepted. I’ve watched that company go from $50 bucks to a dollar. I could be wrong but Keep an eye on it I’m betting it will go south of a dollar do a reverse split in the next 3 or 4 months, after all you can fool some othe people some of the time but the market will eventually figure it out.

Good Luck, Good Questions, Oh when I respond in addition to responding to myself I’m also hitting others so keep Digging and asking the questions.

The only stupid question that I’ve ever heard came from me when I asked the tour guide at Gettysburg why they fought all the Civil war battles in National Parks. Lol

Gotta Run