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08/29/13 11:35 AM

#35311 RE: bobdavis4 #35299

Bob...I am a shareholder and I am also frustrated with the time it is taking to get some substantial revenue and deals I hear you.

What I will say day we will wake up and this stock will trade at a much higher level all based upon one good deal that gets signed and future expectations of more deals to come. None of us knows when that "one good deal" will come.

I believe in the technology and the potential uses based upon what I see of the Science and properties of the alloys. Based solely upon that...and in spite of management...there will be a future for this material.

We can say what we want about management - good and bad. I was impressed with the partnerships that were put together (some organization) to commercialize the material.

I, like many others, am not impressed with the lack of speed or seeming lack of urgency (we don't really know from the outside looking in) to make something substantial from a recurring revenue perspective happen given the time frame we have already waited.

Personally, blogging about chess, as a stockholder...while cool and I would like to own a chess set like that...I still find it insulting. Let's use the blog to further the cause or inform potential clients/investors of useful/pertinent information...not for something nonsensical.

I do believe we will get our "one good deal" which will be a game changer and catapult the future expectations and stock price of this company. I just don't know when...but I do believe it is WHEN not spite of management.

The past missteps/talking about deals that did not happen are precisely why management is now not talking about future deals. We had a saying when I started in the brokerage business..."it is trash until it is cash", meaning, until the paperwork is signed, the money is in, and the revenue has been generated it is meaningless - don't talk about it until it is a done deal.

We will have our day...I am frustrated too with the time it is taking. It is WHEN not IF...let's just hope WHEN is closer at hand than what we have seen so far.