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08/25/13 1:26 AM

#1644 RE: big-yank #1643

Yes, based on my DD they did contest. But, it is all a tactical game so who knows. However, have to totally agree on very strange why they did not disclose and are even offering redaction prior to disclosure. Guess if we really want to know we could fly to Delaware and go to the recorders office!LOL

Anyway, they by no means bought all their stock at .15 Yank. That was just the last million or so after the BK filing. I would guess they are in much higher then that even with the averaging down. So, how much skin does Wynnefield have in the game as a rough guess? My guess at minimum is 5 to 10m. Could actually be alot more. Even for Obus and Landas personally that is about 3-4% of their total holdings at Wynnefield which these days hurts especially bad when most of the money invested in their holdings are theirs(Landas-Obus) That is like Rotech and the Creditors taking the money right out of their own personal pockets. That is why I am guessing they are so mad about the whole thing IMHO which as a shareholder I totally understand! There was no going concern or warning at all and chapter 11 just came out of left field. So, when it is actually presented to the court by a capable and knowledgable legal team I think in the end there may be some things that could affect the outcome because of the fact that it was so sloppy. JMHO. Honestly, I am suprised it has gone as smoothly as it has for Rotech to be honest. As I said before I think the only reason is they have hired a very good legal team. However, maybe that smoothness will change though. Hard to tell, like I said and I could be totally mistaken on my assessment of the whole situation. I guess overall Rotech has gotta look out for those squirrels on the football field underfoot!LOL It aint over till we have some big girls singing.=oD