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08/25/13 1:28 PM

#1645 RE: investor2004 #1644

Question before I hit the Green key.

I don't understand how Judge Walsh is going to make a BK ruling before Rohiq has an approved Audited financial statement filed with the SEC.

Rotech lawyers are arguing they are broke, yet the Legal "SEC obligation' is Public disclose of Financial conditions of Listed corporations which are being highjacked by a Court order blocking Disclosure.
Was Judge Walsh the one who signed this court Order?

Is judge Walsh Prepared to take Rohiq financial disclose on face Value In making his ruling??
Did the SEC audit Rotec's latest filing??
Are they allowed to?
And if they did what where the SEC findings.
Is this sealed information to the public also.

Having worked with Proskauer Rose LLP on contracting legal issues
I agree they are one of the best and Expensive to.
I have not seen a counter suite on Rohi financial results, so this is off the table as I would believe information would have to be shared with the EC..

Now the SEC should have delisted Rohiq for failing to file as they have with other Corporations or is this sealed also.

This becomes a problem for reorganization from BK back into a public company.
Anyone care to comment??