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08/24/13 12:59 PM

#257725 RE: pro_se #257722

Seriously?? Once again, I am amazed how two intelligent people can disagree so completely on issues!

At this juncture, neither I,, nor any other conscientious Americans, seek to disenfranchise gays; we are simply opposed to their lobby’s far-left entrenchment and their attempts to redefine morality, marriage and their Orwellian desire for universal “imposed legitimacy.” What’s going on now is nothing more than boilerplate far left intimidation and mass-scale brainwashing.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with the belief that homosexuality is icky. It has nothing to do with homosexuality being unbiblical. Activist gays and those who support them politically are the ones with whom traditionally-grounded people take exception. If a gay person supports the gay political agenda, they’re no different than anyone else who supports furthering progressive ideology that has already proven itself to be detrimental to our nation and our society.

It should not be surprising that LGBTs have more wealth in general than non-LGBT Americans. For one thing, LGBT’s are strongly over-represented in elite academia. While LGBT’s are generally found to be roughly 4% of the general population, they are over ten percent at many elite universities . . .

Neither are these the only advantages gays enjoy. As Ruse goes on to write, “They are lauded in the media and in the popular culture [and] their cause is championed by what Fr. Neuhaus called the ‘prestige media.’

AND YET, LGBTs do suffer certain forms of social opposition and disadvantage. They may lose their jobs because heterosexual colleagues are uncomfortable around them. They struggle with a whole set of issues around medical care, retirement and partner benefits that heterosexuals do not. And far, far too many gays have suffered verbal abuse, and sometimes even physical abuse, from non-LGBT’s, including non-LGBT Christians.

In other words, the question of whether a particular group suffers unjust forms of social opposition is not a simple question. And for all my gay and lesbian friend and readers who are agreeing with me right now — “Yes, absolutely right, you can be doing fine in some ways and yet suffering attacks at the same time!” — I want to ask: Why should it be any different when it comes to evangelical Christians?

Evangelical Christians are frequently mocked for crying out that they are “persecuted” (although I almost never see that term used) when they are denigrated in popular media or when the culture turns holidays sacred to them into areligious consumeristic feeding frenzies. In fact, a couple hours ago, Rachel Held Evans extended her usual mockery to the notion, this time in relation to Louie Giglio’s invitation and then exclusion from the inauguration ceremony. She points to how “we live in a country in which the majority of its citizens are Christians” and then she torches the straw man: “Not getting your way in every area of civic life,” she writes, “is not persecution.”

Granted, but who claimed that it is? And what does “Christians” have to do with it? The majority of Americans are not evangelical (which is what’s really under discussion here), and evangelicals are treated unjustly in many spheres of civic life. While evangelicals have political power due to their sheer voting numbers, and while the worst (and therefore most-quoted) evangelical commentators can be terribly ungracious in their use of the power of the megaphone, it’s nevertheless true that evangelicals are frequently mocked in popular culture, frequently given a raw deal in academia and elite media, and evangelicals who hold to traditional views of sexual ethics are — as the Louie Giglio affair shows — increasingly shoved to the side of the public square.


08/24/13 1:14 PM

#257728 RE: pro_se #257722

I've seen a lot of whiny crap from the Left, but this is a tree topper

o hear activists on the Christian right tell the story, the conservative Christian American — especially the male conservative Christian American — is the most oppressed, victimized person in the country, and perhaps in the history of the world


Typical hyperbole from the Left. I've never heard Conservative Christians claim to be the most oppressed group in history. They are the biggest target of the Left and the Left can say outrageous things about them in any venue. They are regularly demonized by the entertainment biz. Lots of movies demonizing Christian ministers. I've yet to see one about a maniac Mullah.

About gay conversion therapy. I believe that homosexual tendency begins at birth. If left alone the tendency may never rise to the surface or lead some to becomeing flaming drag queens. Or predatory pedophiles.

IMO, a goal of the radical homosexual community is to encourage all with the tendency, to be nurtured into open homosexuality. I favor allowing families to deal with children who may show early signs of homosexuality. I would never trust a state like California to write laws that limit a family's right to nurture their children.

I'll admit that there are families that would use cruel methods to "turn " their children. But out reach in schools would be a better way to council children that are being traumatized at home.

Here is a parallel that I see to guiding children. A kid may be born with a tendency to be anything from a shoplifter to a stick up man. Families and society can help control those on the low end of the bad person scale. They can control their tendencies and usually out grow them. If our culture normalized shoplifting, we have a lot more stickup artists and worse. IMO.

It's ironic that the same article that condemns Conservative Christians for imposing their values on America, promotes and defends the homosexual movement.

Let's look at what Conservative Christians are under attack for:

Defending "In God We Trust" on US currency. Public displays of The Ten Commandments. Resisting covering birth control pills by businesses that have objections to doing so, on religious grounds. Opposing same sex marriage. Praying in public. And . most heinous of all, Happy Easter & Merry Christmas.[/b

Now for what the militant homosexual mob wants to codify on all Americans, by force of law.

If a bakery refuses to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual wedding, the owners can be fined and jailed. Churches must allow homosexuals to be Scoutmasters. Anyone that thinks some pedophiles are not drawn to scouting don't understand the situation. Transvestites teaching in schools, K thru 12. Idiot California just passed a law allowing transvestites to use the restrooms and shower rooms of the opposite sex. I wonder if that includes male teachers to use the girls shower room?

The only thing I can think of that Conservative Christians want to impose on states is a ban on same sex marriage.

(“Abortion-inducing” is a bit of right-wing speak that should be translated to “pregnancy prevention.”)

Bullshit! abortion inducing drugs are abortion inducing drugs, not pregnancy prevention drugs.

So about 75 % of Americans want to continue with the Christian culture our Nation was founded on is a bad thing.

The 5% - 7% of Americans who are homosexual, want to force, by law, all of America to accept their life style is a good thing???

FWIW. I'm not at all religious. But my heritage and the basis of our Country is founded on Christian values. When we abandon those values we become what we are becoming.