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08/22/13 12:41 PM

#293684 RE: Poptech #293681

Pop: Couldn't agree more. A change from Laura to Mannetti at this point would be all it would take to garner support for the split...and increase buying(debt pay down thereafter). It would be the cheapest move for YA also.

Laura has fumbled the core principal of most successful businesses the Pareto the 80-20 rule.
We the shareholders are the vital few.
The ones over her tenure she should have embraced the most.
In her very own stated business plan was to have shareholders pay down the debt.
Yet, she alienated said partners at every junction.

We are and will always be Neomedia's most valued client/customer...beyond MSFT, EBay, etc...

She blew it...she's destoryed her credibility with the 20


08/22/13 2:08 PM

#293702 RE: Poptech #293681

Pop-pretty 11th hour to install Mannetti now, to sway the vote, no? I believe a strong majority of shareholders would like to see Marriott gone. Problem appears to be she's both the baby and the bath water.


08/22/13 2:25 PM

#293707 RE: Poptech #293681

Too little too late. It would fall on deaf ears.

I would not support Mannetti as CEO. He owns no shares and has made no previous communications to the shareholders.

As far as I'm concerned he's a friend of Laura's and just there to collect a paycheck.