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08/19/13 11:36 AM

#48966 RE: janice shell #48956

No, they're filing an S-1.

The scenario I outlined could still work. Just delay the S1 filing, and allow any ticker on the Series E,F,G to hit its 6 month period.

I agree that even without the Series E,F,G being in play, the dump of the Series C converted stock will demolish the PPS. Is there anything to prevent the Series C converted shares from front running the Series D? The game is to dump before the bad news about the non up listing occurs. And to do it without competition from the Shareholders against the PPS. Procrastinate the S1, and sell the converted Series C common.

Once management admits they will never qualify for the NYSE-Alt, then that's when the time frame for the PPS becomes measured in nanoseconds. Can they not also drag out the NYSE-Alt procedure for endless months? After all, they don't have to admit they have been denied up listing, if they procrastinate filing all the paperwork for it- right? What I believe will be interesting to watch is when does volume start to pick up? If insiders start the dump, and the PPS falls below $2.50, that's too visible of an indicator the NYSE-Alt isn't happening. How will they manage the dump?