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08/18/13 1:48 PM

#21295 RE: Implanting #21293

No transparency is a very encompassing wording and it would be in violation of TSX rules.

I invite you to read (I know you did) the quarterly reports, Year end reports, presentations, why to invest and the numerous PR's about the major events. They conform to TSX rules.

I know all of us always want to know more and I plead guilty as charged but as I explained numerous times it is very difficult for a company to share everything on a daily basis. If something does not quite happened as scheduled and it will management get a "got you".

There is nothing wrong with asking management questions via multiple means (phone, email, meetings). Analysts do it all the time. Large shareholders call management all the time and get the clarification they ask for as long as it is not a new disclosure. Clarifications are OK by TSX rules.

As an example I was uncomfortable with the AP. I asked and I got the answers to my questions and I am now much more comfortable.

For any company one thing a shareholder has to be respectful of is management time by only asking questions that are not obviously answered in the material provided. That part is called an RFM call in a support organization (translation "Read the Free Manual"). The other part is that you cannot call the CEO/CFO during TSX black out time. Well, you can call but you will not get much outside of the weather report.

If all of that is not enough one can always apply for a job with the company. The only problem, if you get the job of course, is that you are now an insider and you are restricted from trading.

In conclusion. Read and cut a bit of slack to management it is not an easy job. If they deliver profits on a constant basis then cut them even more slack. That statement is not made to defend management it is just a reality check.


08/18/13 1:49 PM

#21296 RE: Implanting #21293

Sorry Jal, that is how business is done.

The company has met and continues to meet all mandated disclosures by SEC, BCSC, SEC, DAX, Panamanian Government Regulations, rules and protocols in Spain, Portugal, USA, Germany, and Canada. There is no obligation to share anything else and of course there is a fiduciary responsibility to protect company information. All responsibilities to shareholders have consistently been met. Your opinion has no merit or influence, so you might as well move on, or continue to complain when the moon is full. No one cares is actually the hard truth of life. If you have something to bring to the table, you are welcome to come and sit there. I gave you the link. If you have nothing to contribute the I guess there is no other place, but this board.

Good Luck either way. If you stay you will share, if you leave you will not. Ball is in your court to make the best judgement for you considering your position in life.