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08/16/13 9:22 PM

#277461 RE: DegenerateGambler #277460

I know of about a dozen small exploration companies that all wanted to explore for oil in Africa. Every single one of them shopped around in different countries in Africa and every single one of them got blocks somewhere. Africa is a very large continent with a lot of blocks available in a lot of different countries. While I am VERY glad ERHC also got some of those blocks, I am not going to say Ntephe is superman for doing so or that ERHC is something special because they did. Ntephe can certainly wear a cape if he wants but he isn't faster than a speeding bullet nor is he more powerful than a locomotive. Fact of the matter is most of those other companies got their blocks faster and they also did something with them faster too. Ntephe has had an incredibly difficult time raising capital too while a lot of other companies haven't. Nobody knows exactly why this has been so difficult for ERHC but it my mind it all points in one direction. This just isn't as hard as some are making it out to be. Things should be progressing faster.