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04/10/03 8:41 AM

#18838 RE: GE_Jim #18836

ge jim....i'll put it a different can you state that the TRADERS have outperformed the INVESTORS over the past six nine twelve months....when you damn well know that 90% of the traders arent worth a shit....if you would correctly state that 10% of the TRADERS have beaten the INVESTORS over the the past six nine twelve months...while 90% of the TRADERS have UNDERPERFORMED the INVESTORS over the past time period....i would have nothing to comment about
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04/10/03 12:52 PM

#18893 RE: GE_Jim #18836

GE JIM Let me say that I do not consider myself a trader I have a large position in IDCC which I hae been accumulating over the years. I was very disappointed with the Eric resolution and the Indemnifier has me deeply troubled. There has been no explanation from KoP on either I held the stock on its slide from the 80s ( as many others did } and vowed it would never happen again. I still believe in IDCC though perhaps not as strong as some do. I sold some to protect profits and will sell some more if the stock continues to drift down. That is no reason for me to be vilified by some posters for these actions I have never traded in and out as the term trader seems to suggest. I need make no apologies for my actions as some posters seem to suggest. I am not a basher nor am I a short. I am disillusioned but still long I will continue to avidly scan this board for information from our technically knowledgeable people. We owe them a great deal I personally wish to thank them. My best to you and all longs May our wait be a short one.