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08/14/13 1:21 PM

#67280 RE: Pitt Bully #67279

You want to know what true justice would be? AAPT gets awarded $10M and gets absolutely nothing from it. Just like the noteholder, the former vendors, the former employees, a certain contest winner, and most likely the current employees and vendors......the list goes on.


08/14/13 1:28 PM

#67282 RE: Pitt Bully #67279

JUSTICE!! Which will translate into a whole lot of additional GOOD WILL for AAPT which will then translate into a huge INCREASE IN THE STOCK PRICE of AAPT!!


08/14/13 5:21 PM

#67295 RE: Pitt Bully #67279

Put yourself in their shoes. They claim EG wanted to be CFO. They said he wasn't qualified and he decided to get even. The stock tanked because he sent information (that has not been proven true or untrue) to roughly 10 large shareholders. Now what do you think those shareholders did once they read those allegations??

Some of those shareholders post on this board. IMO they are in for a big scare. Taking non public information from an employee of a public company and trading it is a big no no. I remember that day, the stock dropped at the open. The time stamp and the recipients says it all. EG is an idiot. He didn't even blind CC the recipients. AAPT has the original chain and its all they need to take him down, regardless if what he claims is true. He still committed an illegal act.