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08/09/13 11:39 PM

#12284 RE: north40000 #12258

How to get your PCP to script Vascepa off label.

If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, CVD, cholesterol problems most of you should be able to get a Vascepa script by using this approach..Most doctors will not argue with patients who ask for a script,(the exception being doctors in organizations such as Humana where they are doing everything to cut costs) provided you are not asking for a controlled substance or something with serious risks, or will conflict with your medical condition..

To convince the doctor you must be able to explain your rationale for taking the drug and what the side effects and risks are..In this case you need explain "Vascepa is merely pure EPA which is the Omega3 component of fish oil. The EPA component is responsible for the anti inflamatory properties found in fish oil.. It works by combating the harmful effects of the Omega6 fats in our diet...and current evidence suggests chronic inflammation is the underlying problem in diabetes, high blood pressure and atherosclerotic heart disease.. and other chronic diseases that are associated with aging..Clinical studies have shown that Vascepa (a new drug) significantly lowers important bio markers for inflammation.."

Vascepa is a new drug which the FDA has approved for very high trigs, but clincal trials show the drug was able to lower trigs without raising "bad cholesterol" in metabolic syndrome patients...and it will be approved for those before the end of the year...Vascepa has no serious side effects...and you wish the doctor to prescribe it for you "off label." You must tell him, the dosage, 4gm per day (busy doctors might turn you down if they think they are going to have to look up the dosage rather than just writing out the script).

If the doctor asks you why don't you just take fish oil...Tell him Vascepa is is highly concentrated..and to get the necessary amount of EPA to get clinical benefits you would "have to take 32gms of fish oil a day"...and the DHA in fish oil causes stomach irritation...

Suggest to the doctor he should be taking himself...

Good luck...":>) JL