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08/03/13 8:51 PM

#88969 RE: PG #88967

It didn't have that much of a impact when it went from half a mil to two bil. I checked it before, can't verify know on the phone. Plus we can always voice our concerns if it had that much of an impact in the past. The only real concern, which isn't that big, is the payments for Southridge start in what Apr14. Just over 2 quarters away, but again not a major concern I think


08/03/13 9:04 PM

#88970 RE: PG #88967

Well- it will happen... BUT TO PAY DR. MIN IN SHARES!!! he knows the value!!!!! He doesnt come cheap!!! And if we have an expert like dr. Min on our side, if the dilution is to pay for his INCREDIBLE SPECIALITY KNOWLEDGE into GENE SILENCING TECH!!! the min tech is why I am in bmsn. Not hema. Hema is a bonus. I was made aware of the beginning phases of gene silencing in 2005. (The initial research). Once bmsn got a hold of the patent I knew I was beating the curve.

Edit: think about it... paying in shares for milestones.... MIN GOES BROKE IF HE DOESNT SUCCEED!!!!! I THINK THAT IS A DREAM INCENTIVE RIGHT THERE!