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Optimistic Trader

08/01/13 1:59 PM

#8741 RE: bull runs #8740

This message is for Bull and the longs...I think we will see some of the events that are "in the mix" come to a head over the next few months (whether they come out favorably or not). With that said, it ties into Mark's comment of stating something like - "not for sure where SFOR will end up." Sounded good up to that point. I listened to that part of the interview numerous times to see if I missed something...I've concluded "it is exactly what he said." He's not mixing words which makes me think that, if we get the important patents that are projected to come soon - SFOR will then make it (because it can certainly open the doors to revenue through licensing deals and strengthen infringement lawsuits). The distributors will also have solutions to sell for the very same problems that are occurring all over the world. I'm thinking there's about 10 things that SFOR "has in the mix" and if a couple of the critical ones come in SFOR's favor between now and the next couple of months. If a couple more trickle in a few months after that - will be fine. If none of it happens, we are toast. Therefore, I realize Mark's closing statement is likely based off of some uncertainties and some things that are out of his hands that need to happen for SFOR to survive (I think that is exactly what he's thinking). Still LONG on SFOR!!!
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08/01/13 2:06 PM

#8742 RE: bull runs #8740

We are not attempting to sell the OOB technology to consumers. It is aimed at critical large companies in health care, finance and banking. These are crucial industries that our government wishes to protect. The government has access to all of your internet browsing no matter if you are using GuardedID or not. That just protects the path from the keyboard to the browser. The only people preventing this from selling is our sales staff and business partners. They need to hire some "closers" to get the job done!!

Mark Kay didn't say anything new. It was the same old same old. Again, he was "excited". I'm not so sure that's so good for a 65 year old man.

He did say they are still "tweaking" the MobileTrust product. That got me a little worried. As a former business owner, that tells me they have some serious defects or issues getting it to work with the various platforms. I guess I would rather they get it right before launching because you only get one chance to make a first impression. If the reviewers and influential people in the industry give it a thumbs down because it doesn't work well, then they are toast. But, time is wasting.
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Optimistic Trader

08/02/13 1:25 PM

#8764 RE: bull runs #8740

Bull, I'm listening to a broadcast with the co-founder of Pay Pal. He is known for starting several other companies in Silicone Valley. He said that when he starts a company, he never thinks of an exit strategy because he wants the company to be around forever. This got me thinking about what Mark said toward the end of the interview...something like, "Not sure where the company will be." Of course Mark wants return on his money and time, but it is very possible to not know when an exit will be or should be. Of course, if some events don't occur in SFOR's favor, SFOR will be toast and that will be the exit. Also, I once spoke to Mark about share price and how low it is. How I deciphered his answer was that he doesn't focus much on share price, but the focus is placed on running the company...that is smart. (As a long, I think it makes sense, shorts...I know you aren't happy right now). I'm staying LONG on SFOR.