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07/26/13 6:13 PM

#87644 RE: rusty8350 #87639

Ok Perhaps I should elaborate, I type all these messages at work, when my boss is not looking. So I'm kind of in a rush when I post.

No risk in the sense of financial gains. "When they recieve FDA approval" If people know when to sell and when to take profits, that is.

I did not mean imply the science. ANy new science involves risk. Money will be made based on sentiment and to some extent
"hype", that has nothing to do with the science.

ALthough, I'm conversing with a few good people here and other
boards. Who know the business and who are familiar with the science, are very confident in the science BMSN has to offer.

And yeah everything worth having involves risk. If their was a
guaranteed way of making money. Then none of us would be here
placing our faith in a brand new science, that will hopefully help
people who are sick.


07/26/13 10:45 PM

#87660 RE: rusty8350 #87639

bmsn is a total scam and their fly by nite science team has no real progress or product that would work. bmsn is incapable of inventing anything and bmsn incomplete stem cell project will never work because it is based on fantasy not real science. you are right that if bmsn even went to trials they could fail and then its all over. based on bmsn ceo koos complete failures on every project this bmsn pipe dream is destined to fail. bmsn is an expert at failure ttylxox


07/27/13 9:07 AM

#87703 RE: rusty8350 #87639

If I was a mod I would sticky your post. But im not so a member mark will have to do. Your exactly right. We have not even made it to FDA approval yet. Yes there are some good doctors working on this but that doesn't guarantee success. If all biotechs and their trials were successful there would be no sickness. I have been in several biotechs in my trading career and not all have made it. There is also the fact that there are a lot of medicines & treatments that have been bought out and put on the shelf by big pharma. They make more money by treating than curing. So there is no guarantee this treatment will ever make the market even if it is approved and trials are successful. This one is no different. I do have a sizable block and I played it like I do anything else. Sold enough shares to cover my investment and will roll the dice on the rest.