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07/21/13 2:28 AM

#178392 RE: MaxShockeR #178389

Would be a real productive thing for a group like OM to use the cool collective tracking power to keep a running record of the performance of major sector standouts & moves thru earnings and their guidance & visibility. Really really very good to keep running discussions going on them for follow up trades.

Yahoo's "InPlay" has that list btw, good for most of major comps, this is the time when all the money gets made.;-)

Every qtr just follows the same progression so good to have at least 4 or 5 major players in every sector to tune into for more variety trading sake, more green trades short or long. Starts early from MON & ORCL then we hear from the Banks, Rails, Oil services group, major semis SNDK & INTC last week and notably EBAY & OSTK in online barter plus some healthcare with UNH.

Catch a few good a few trades early in the season is what you want do plus build a good sense of the state of health of each sector & how they are playing these. Like coming back into GOOG after the miss, popping the Rails, a couple of steel companys reported NUE & STLD that popped WLT.

SLB on friday sure rocked it, always a good trader, i took large positions in KO the day it sold off, 39.50 was holding like a champ all am, some you know they'll buy back into. MSFT was pretty telegraphed along with INTC, SNDK still on a roll but faded the top at 63 too as pattern proftakers stepped in at the high test.