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07/11/13 3:35 PM

#12302 RE: A Dinosaur #12299

Pauling may have died of cancer but attributing his death to the fact that vitamin C therapy may not have helped him is like saying seat belts don't save everyone's lives so why bother wearing them. Who knows, maybe vitamin c therapy extended his life.

There are many out there that believe Pauling was a quack. There are many out there that believe otherwise. Many believe that this two-time Nobel prize winner was ahead of his time.

This link will take you to just one article by a doctor titled:
Vitamin C, Linus Pauling was right all along. A doctor's opinion.

Here is an excerpt:

"When they examined the evidence, Hickey and Roberts found background evidence for Pauling's ideas
from independent scientific and medical reports, covering half a century. The findings in these papers
could neither be dismissed as placebo effects nor easily explained. The reports included remission of
AIDS, cures for cancer, and the immediate recovery of children at the point of death from septic shock.
The claims seemed so out of the ordinary that they were hard to believe. However, Hickey and Roberts
could find no counter examples in the scientific or medical literature."

When performing an internet search on Pauling you will find over 1,400,000 results. Obviously you will find both compelling as well as controversial writings. If anyone is interested in learning more about this controversial topic I'd suggest reading the book: Vitamin C: The Real Story by Dr. Andrew Saul.