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04/05/03 12:20 AM

#17960 RE: GE_Jim #17907

Am I Again Hearing the Sound of a Broken Record on this Board?

Is everyone forgetting that Harry is not PAID IN CASH for his services on the BOD? His compensation has been in OPTIONS, so today (or whenever he sold SOME of his accumulated pile) was HIS big PAYDAY. Of all the many tealeaves we are using to evaluate the FUNDAMENTALS and FUTURE VALUE of IDCC, this has got to be one of the crappiest.

For those who were hoping the resolution of ERICY vs IDCC would be the event bringing shareholders THEIR immediate PAYDAY, it's been somewhat disappointing. The GAME has been prolonged in overtime, and MORE PATIENCE is still needed to judge the outcome (and whether the Longs are "geniuses or idiots"). The Form 4's have become another Rorshach test for attitudes towards Management, but hardly a clue as to the future longer term stock price. IF news of the Nokia and Samsung 2G payment came along in the next week or two or three, of what significance would be this Form 4 griping? Keep your eye on the ball!!!
