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06/27/13 9:20 AM

#13140 RE: Irish62 #13135

Thank You and I was being completely upfront and honest in my post to not only set the record straight, but to help those who don't understand the situation brewing here that could cause the share price to spike very soon. We have big news on the horizon with a chart setup that could cause a huge run up in the stock. I would hate to see some folks sell right now with this good possibility of a big spike just around the corner.

The other thing I would like to add on my trading plan for stocks like MIMV is to always try to get yourself in a position to protect yourself by holding free shares. Basically it means that you get in at a low price like we have now and when the share price jumps by 50% or more to sell enough to ride this out holding free share. An example would be this;

Buy 10,000 shares at $.08($800.00)and when the share price hits $.12 sell 6650 shares($798.00), now you are holding 3350 free shares in which to ride out the trade with zero risk. Now if the share price rose to $.15 you could sell for a net profit of $502.50(a 62% gain) and if the share price dropped back to $.08 you still would walk away with a $268.00(33%) gain. Do not let greed cloud your thinking when playing these highly volatile stocks in the otc/bb markets. Eliminate the risk whenever possible.


Actually I did try to explain the whole chart thingy to show why MIMV is poised to make a move to the UPSIDE instead of the downside, despite the strong opinions that can cloud true reasoning and logic. With that said, I also fail to see any documented proof at this time to prove that this company is a scam as claimed by some. I gather, due to a filing that showed the CVO also working for another company full time that they deem this as proof, but from a legal standpoint, that couldn't be further from the truth. Now I admit it is concerning, but definitely not proof of a scam. I sure wouldn't be screaming scam based on that, because that could be bordering on libel and one could possibly face legal consequences for making these type of accusations.

My take on the whole thing is that MIMV is trying to make a go of it with their apps, but they have a huge climb to become successful in the long term. The competition is stiff and many obstacles need to be overcome to come out on top, though they do have a chance. The problem with so many of these type of companies is the disregard for shareholders as they continue to dilute to raise funds to stay afloat as they try to become a viable business.

The otc/bb markets are littered with investors who lost everything investing way too much in companies in these markets where less than 5% ever succeed. Thus the reason one should never invest more than they can afford to lose, especially in the otc/bb markets.

That's not to say one can't make money investing short term for quick flips here and there while keeping tabs on the company's progress, but I would highly suggest against going long on the vast majority, unless there is a special circumstance and even then I wouldn't invest too much until they uplist where one can get a real handle on their financials.

As far as MIMV, they got a lot of mileage out of that Microsoft hype that hit 9 months ago and have been in an downtrend ever since with a few good spikes here and there, where one could have made some nice bucks trading it. Which brings me to the current setup, where once again MIMV is setup to make another nice bounce off this PPO/ADX pinch. These type of setups can be very explosive if any big news would hit during this pinch, but even if big news doesn't hit, the stock will still make an upward push behind this pinch before falling off again. Also, MIMV is expected to deliver news on their Treplabs launch very soon and that could just be the catalyst to make this stock jump 30-50%. Thus there exist a great possibility to make some nice gains either way, yet some fail to understand this.

Tomorrow, if MIMV starts heading up higher behind decent volume, I will add a substantial amount of shares to my current small position. I expect to see at least a 30% jump to around $.10 off this pinch without news and a 50%+ move behind good news to the $.12 to $.15 range. If we get GREAT news then we could see a monumental move like we saw 9 months ago when MIMV jumped over 350% in one week when it went from $.15 to $.70. So you see it behooves one to have a foot in the door ahead of time with a starter position in case MIMV makes a big move off this current chart pinch.

Now hopefully some can understand the logic and reasoning behind the current situation here and not dismiss it based upon a slanted opinion. However, MIMV will be one of those you need to monitor closely going forward. Best of luck!





06/27/13 12:10 PM

#13167 RE: Irish62 #13135


the full time work agreement filed with the SEC by CHAG for Kasian Franks


the part time consulting agreement filed with the SEC by scam company MIMV for Kasian Franks

are not enough to convince you of this?

good one

As for unsubstantiated claims, NO WHERE does it say the Kasian Franks is working full time for Pimovi and only part time for Mimvi. Franks is committed to both companies and that is not unusual for men who have the intelligence and skills as Franks has.