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06/27/13 12:16 PM

#13170 RE: crookedneck #13140


good one

nothing but nothing that quotes sleazy stock promoter Tobin Smith is "honest" or "setting the record straight"


Thank You and I was being completely upfront and honest in my post to not only set the record straight, but to help those who don't understand the situation brewing here that could cause the share price to spike very soon. We have big news on the horizon with a chart setup that could cause a huge run up in the stock. I would hate to see some folks sell right now with this good possibility of a big spike just around the corner.


06/27/13 12:19 PM

#13171 RE: crookedneck #13140

Gee, how did this strategy work for MIMV stockholders that attempted to do it when the stock price was at .40?


The other thing I would like to add on my trading plan for stocks like MIMV is to always try to get yourself in a position to protect yourself by holding free shares. Basically it means that you get in at a low price like we have now and when the share price jumps by 50% or more to sell enough to ride this out holding free share. An example would be this;

Buy 10,000 shares at $.08($800.00)and when the share price hits $.12 sell 6650 shares($798.00), now you are holding 3350 free shares in which to ride out the trade with zero risk. Now if the share price rose to $.15 you could sell for a net profit of $502.50(a 62% gain) and if the share price dropped back to $.08 you still would walk away with a $268.00(33%) gain. Do not let greed cloud your thinking when playing these highly volatile stocks in the otc/bb markets. Eliminate the risk whenever possible.