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06/26/13 5:44 PM

#8346 RE: chaostrader #8345

I'm not sure you understand their market.
They are targeting a niche market(s).
a) corporations who are serious about security (including where products are manufactured)
b)users who crave a keyboard - and there are many existing BBRY users who fit that category)
c)the rest of their user base
d) the world users who are not iPhone or Samsing fans. Z10 is targeting same user base as Nokia Lumia here.
e) with new products coming targeting lower cost markets

So no one expects any USA based iPhone or Samsung users to switch (unless their company tells them to) - plenty of market for them.


06/26/13 6:09 PM

#8347 RE: chaostrader #8345

Being real... Apple is on the down-slide; Steve Jobs WAS Apple, Steve Jobs is now gone and he took ALL of the fresh innovation and inspiration with him. What's left is a stale corporate team that has no true attachment to the company nor its products, beyond that of just turning out more disposable products for the revenue.

I see Samsung as the latest flash-in-the-pan "cool" fad gadget (replacing Apple in that aspect.)

Everybody keeps talking like Apple and Samsung are the iron-clad standard and will rule and dominate forever. Nobody dominates forever, just ask the people from Motorola. (you know... Motorola... the gold standard of communications devices from 25 years ago?) Companies wax and companies wane, it happens.

Blackberry doesn't NEED to overtake Samsung, Android or Apple to have a great marketshare, but Android is ate up with security issues and hacking potential, Apple is becoming stale and "uncool" with the youth and also has hacking issues, and there are people (such as myself) who hhhaaaaaAAAAAAATTTTTTe anything Google and everything Google.

Some of the people who have an Apple or Samsung have them because they thought that Blackberry was out of the phone business or just couldn't wait for the new ones. (I was close to being one of them just out of necessity, but I waited.)

So, yes, I DO honestly believe some Apple and Samsung customers ARE going dump their phones for a new Blackberry.


06/26/13 6:51 PM

#8349 RE: chaostrader #8345

Actually, I remembering blackberry stating that 50% of b10 sales were from customers coming from other platforms. Nice try tho!