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06/23/13 11:01 PM

#50676 RE: The Rainmaker #50662

I agree with your observations. The time has come for the company to produce deliverable profit streams.

What potential investors are waiting on are, tangible revenue streams. The story is one thing, some believe and some do not. Time surely will tell.

I think investors (watching their portfolios) and traders cram everything into a day's trading. A day is a long time. But; in the real world, things take time. Personally, I am disappointed in how long its taking to getting a DFW store up and running. Until one is, things will not be going very well for the stock price. But; on the other side, things appear to be falling into place. The JV is definitely a step in the right direction. But till now, the JV is not a store opening. All the other business divisions are great; but again, investors/traders are waiting for a PR which states tangible revenues. We definitely are accumulating expenses, and are working on a shoestring. Much due to past mistakes by previous and current management. Refreshingly, current management is adapting to these mistakes. At least as best they can on a shoestring budget.

I am one investor who has shares purchased at a much higher price. Which has forced me into trading, in order to recover (much but not all) of my investment.

Just an observation, and strictly my opinion, trading this stock is not worthwhile except to MM's and extremely patient traders (an oxymoron). The MM's tend to keep the spreads wide enough, so that once shares are purchased they can not be profitably sold for some time. The share price may move 10%, but the spread will probably be over 10%. Then, on most days, the stock is so thinly traded that any volume sold will collapse the price quickly. If selling shares, best sell on the rare fits of strength. The MM's hold all the cards: 1) They can buy and sell outside and within the spread, 2) They can short. No doubt, money can be made when holding these cards. Even so, volume has dried up to the point where even MM's must be looking elsewhere for revenue.

I still am watching closely, and hope to make some good money on this stock. I still think JB is sincerely trying to make this company work. His management is the main reason I still have faith. If he is successful, he is going to make lots of people rich with a current share price of $0.012 (and looking like below this in the near term--if tangible news does not come out soon). In case his efforts are rewarded, the share price will skyrocket. IMO, to make money on this stock, one will need to be realistically patient (restaurants don't open quickly). Deals take time. And, one will have to buy when everyone else is selling and once the fire sale commences. I don't know if we are there just yet. But, from the negativity of the board recently, I'm thinking we may be getting close. Patience.