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06/19/13 12:47 PM

#61674 RE: lowlowz #61672

For me, I do not want to be on any drug every day, MMJ included. I manage pain with diet and meditation, acute or chronic, I guess I fudge my stories to my doctors. On a scale of 1 -10 what is your pain. I never say 10. I would have to know what a 10 is. But I will say 7-9 depending on the day. And there is never a day that goes by where I can claim 0. I can deal with 1-3 on a daily basis, whether you call that acute or chronic, I really do not know. But a 3 is just like living with a headache everyday to me now. As I approach 5 and 6, I curl up in bed for a day, all alone and meditate, no food, no anything but small sips of water. If I feel a 7, its time for a ride to the hospital. I like the ease of the pain, but I really do not like 19 days in. No food, ICU sucks, and I like to cook, so I have been told I sleep cook while on dilaudid. While it is a cooked up synthetic narc, I am not addicted to it in anyway. Nothing like librium and ativan to help for a few days when you go home. Except when I am curled up in bed with a 6 claiming to my family, I am 1 notch a way from a ride to the joint.

With all that said, I am not to interested in everyone thinking lets all go get stoned. Kevin Allyn will see to it we all make bank getting everyone stoned.

That is not the point, nor is it the answer. This is the wrong approach. Not saying MMJ does not have a place in the world, but seriously, cannpizza and cannredbull and cannbeer. People lets get real and respect humans who actually have problems and not treat this like some inhumane game.