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04/02/03 4:11 PM

#34124 RE: 9miles #34119

OT but relevant: "What ever happened to "innocent until proven guilty" in a court of law? Where in our Constitution does it say that Freedom of Speech allows for people to go out on the Internet and pronounce a person or company guilty, try and hang them on a public forum by besmirching someone's character with lies and innuendos of wrongdoing?

Chat forums like Raging Bull, Yahoo, Silicon Investor and many others, began with a good premise for discussion of various topics, but because those forums are uncontrolled they tend to degenerate into a free-for-all mudslinging morass. This costs other people their real freedom of speech by preventing them from being able to communicate in a reasonable and reasoned manner. The premise of having an open forum for exchange of ideas is lost.

Self appointed vigilantes are as prevalent on unregulated forums as they were in the old west, but in the old west people who took the law into their own hands could be found guilty and hanged for the crime of vigilantism themselves.

Some of these self appointed vigilantes claim to be helping people by being "honest negative posters" yet is it honest to post only negative information and not try to see both sides of an issue or acknowledge that there is another side to a story? It is one thing to present negative information and a whole other thing to refuse to accept proof that refutes that information. They collect only negative information and use it to damage people and their investments. They never see or allow for the possibility of positive information. They bash anyone who presents positive information or refutes their negative information with facts.

Granted, some information, both positive and negative, is based upon solid facts , but there is too much posting that is either speculation, twisted facts, innuendo, or outright lies.

In the past few years a new element has crept into the mix that is further reducing the value of the unregulated forums. This new element has an insidious nature, out for its own ends, not caring about any damage caused to businesses or individuals, and it is every bit a form of terrorism as we are facing in this world and that we hear about in the news on a daily basis. This element is out to undermine our American way of life and society by destroying our faith in free enterprise and our capital markets. They frighten unsophisticated people out of the market and systematically target companies that require access to capital and funding to stay in business. These companies are frequently placed under attack by the very same entities that are supposedly funding and supporting them. These same entities attack companies with false and twisted postings on Internet message boards frightening away the small investors and shorting the stock down to nothing, thereby gaining wealth at the expense of the real investors who have placed their savings in these companies only to be frightened away or shorted out of existence. The so called "honest negative posters" flock to the boards of the victims and use the circumstances to bash and pretend to be there saving people from bad investments. Some of those companies may be bad investments, but the good hard working companies get the same treatment as the bad ones. People end up losing their jobs, homes and families due to this insidious activity and the activists doing the damage use this as a self fulfilling prophecy to say it is all the company's fault for taking the funding in the first place, etc. It is our contention that it is not the place of short sellers and so called "honest negative posters" to accuse, try and sentence companies and people they don't know. It is our contention that it is the job of the legal system and the judiciary to make those determinations through a proper court procedure. It is our contention that those forums who allow this activity to occur without any regulation at all should not be supported at all."
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04/02/03 6:25 PM

#34132 RE: 9miles #34119

9miles: Since you think my conclusion is wrong, what would you say would be an accurate conclusion as to sales figures of the O 1000 from the last 2 shipments?