GTE is up 11% today. From the confirmed Magic Box and Money Mountain on October 10th until now no one has had reason to leave GTE. It has consistantly been in Knight's Crossing mode and should have been held completely. Once you learn these easy setups Transat you'll never need anyone's help understanding entry and exit. Once you learn them teach your family. Be the leader because they'll need help one day more then ever before. I know when times get bad in our great country as it will with the retirement of over 80,000,000 baby boomers; 64,000,000 retiring directly into poverty with no pension and a shaky SSI program and hurting an already swamped welfare system. And, the fact that there will be another 150,000,000 babies born here in the next 20 years to add to it, you'll need stocks like GTE to help you make it. It will get very ugly, more so then how the citizens treated each other in New Orleans. It will be country wide with a different kind of flood.
#1. AROON- 8 You watch as the Aroon down crosses the 75 down and the aroon up comes up from zero. Most important. (\0/) #2. WILLIAMS%R- 9 You watch the line cross the 50. #3. ChiOsc- 2, 5 You watch the ChiOsc crossing the zero line. #4. ADX/DMI-5 You watch as the D+ line either crosses, or is higer then the D- #5. MACD histogram- 5,15,10 You watch the negative bars register -50% smaller then the bar before it, or -50% smaller then the largest in the grouping. #6. Full Stoch- 5, 5 You watch the fast line cross the slow line while the aroon down(8) crosses the 87.50. Crossing the 20 would be best, when the williams agrees. #7. Bollinger Band 20,2 You watch for the Magic Box to occur when the negative close touches above the lower bolly and the next day’s close to it is positive growth in a white candle.