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05/30/13 4:34 PM

#124978 RE: stockharvest #124971


The best and quickest way to get the information you seek is to un-hide the intro section to this board (if you have it hidden) and just do a word search on "patent". There is a load of information on this subject there. Our intro section has a lot of great info thanks mostly to our great data king CJGaddy. He's like the Librarian from the movies. Happy reading and welcome to the carrousel.


05/30/13 5:14 PM

#124984 RE: stockharvest #124971

Welcome and thanks! First... you were given some great advice regarding the "Intro" section....and I agree that CJ has made this board the best on IHUB! The amount of information is mind boggling once you first try to read it all in one day...but it must be done to "know" where your money will be and to know as much as you can.

As for my comment....just was trying to throw an analogy out there to stress how valuable it is to own 100% of the IP. No other Biotech can touch the unique presence of PS...that exists on bad cells...or cancer cells. This ...I believe is half the battle. Now, Peregrine has a Bavituximab that seeks and targets out "just" those PS that exist on cancer cells.

I am on my phone now...cant place links here... but ASCO will be the event of all oncology events....because you will have the brightest of the brightest minds in the world ...and no "AF" types in between these guys trying to tell them how Bavi operates.

...will follow this up....have to run


05/30/13 7:23 PM

#124998 RE: stockharvest #124971

Stockharvest, Biopharm's "Peregrine owns the IP land" comment can be better appreciated by considering the technology that Dr. Thorpe's UTSW laboratory and Peregrine Pharmaceuticals locked in with patents and technology rights. PPHM tech rights address the targeting of amino acids that are part of the building blocks of cell structure, including PS and PE, that can become exposed "inside out" when a cell becomes damaged by a virus or as part of cancer tumor necrosis. There is much more to the technology stable developed by the research team, but it is reasonable to assert that PPHM has a technology platform being set up in the early stage of development, with Bavituximab being among the first horses to leave the stable. PPHM has already partnered its technology for a fully humanized Bavi to supplement the chimeric Bavi. There has been much board discussion here over the years about what these tech developments might mean that you ought to find worth a due diligence review when considering investment in PPHM (I like but still don't fully understand GJH's fountain of youth theory!).

Clearly, there are others who post on this board that can explain what PPHM tech development means better than I and Biopharm's referral to the IBox info that CJ assembled is a good start for remedial reading. I note that, what can temper investment enthusiasm is that Bavi needs to demonstrate that it works in human cancer trials well enough and safely enough to take its place as an approved and valued treatment option for cancer patients. The ASCO, 3 posters and pending reporting out of other PPHM trial results will help answer to the "demonstrate it works" step. Successful results from the recently FDA approved Bavi Phase 3 trial are a key step for bringing FDA approval for Bavi's commercial use as a cancer treatment and for supporting the development of other agents in the PPHM emerging technology stable.

Best wishes and IMO.