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05/23/13 8:39 AM

#370595 RE: stant18946 #370594


If you have sold out of IDCC you have nothing due you. Seems like you was smarter than most of us to have sold out at $48.00 and good for you. However when one has no position one has no complaint and has nothing due them. I wish you well on your next investment.



05/23/13 8:54 AM

#370596 RE: stant18946 #370594

that's certainly within your rights, all the while IDCC has sold patents, entered into Joint venture with SONY, these court cases are what they are, long , drawn out affairs, and if that doesn't depress you there's plenty of other things in the world to get onto---it would appear that our company takes the high road and does deals on a mutually beneficial arrangement--others have seen that--so will the remainder