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05/21/13 6:45 PM

#34734 RE: JJSeabrook #34732

I am guessing the same, however the work-around will cloud the RR rulling, don't you think? Thanks JJS, your posts are really appreciated
Kind regards
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05/21/13 7:02 PM

#34738 RE: JJSeabrook #34732

Thanks JJS for your opinion, which I agree with. Since JJ has not allowed, nor should he allow, anything new, that was not presented at the trial. I was assuming he would not consider it relevant in his decision. I hope that he ignores it, and tells GOOG to take it's lame workaround and shovel it elsewhere.
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05/21/13 7:08 PM

#34739 RE: JJSeabrook #34732

It the "work around" was all a bluff, can Google be financially punished?
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05/21/13 7:10 PM

#34741 RE: JJSeabrook #34732

JJ, how long will it take from the end of this trial for VRNG, and GOOG, to ask for an appeal, and how long will it take for the appeal(s) trials to begin. Thank you for all your past and future help, it has been a long road and just curious how many more miles to travel. Thank you again.