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05/18/13 12:05 AM

#7999 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

wow excellent DD!


05/18/13 12:12 AM

#8002 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

Amazing post.


05/18/13 12:24 AM

#8004 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

Very Nice Work! Cant wait to see what happens next week.


05/18/13 12:27 AM

#8005 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

Thanks a lot TPL for a thorough and well thought post. I agree that a massive SHORT SQUEEZE would be in order. It could even happen as early as next week.

Thus, final bottom line conclusion is that: (a) Asher is done dumping stock for the time being until the A/S is officially raised; (b) the market makers could be naked shorting; (c) if they are naked shorting, they are doing so ILLEGALLY and a SHORT SQUEEZE would be in order; (d) we'll find out early next week because the numbers just simply won't add up more massive dumping occurs - THE NUMBERS SIMPLY WON'T ADD UP AS REPORTED IN THE SEC FIINGS, ~249,000,000 O/S, and MASSIVE DUMPING = DOESN'T ADD UP.


05/18/13 12:29 AM

#8006 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

Kudos to you TPL. Ima follow you. Learnt a lot.:)


05/18/13 12:32 AM

#8008 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

Great work TPL


05/18/13 12:33 AM

#8009 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

Strong work! Glad to be aboard a stock with such knowledgable investors. Leaning a lot here

ZJ Pick

05/18/13 12:56 AM

#8014 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

This makes COMPLETE SENSE! I love you dude. I'm glad I brought up this question about 3 hours ago, and that has caused our group of investors to dig into this question and do their DD and answer the question INTELLIGENTLY. If anyone on this board still has QUESTIONS relating to this stock, let's all work together to come to an agreement on the answer. WE NEED TO WORK AS A TEAM HERE LADIES AND GENTLEMAN. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. - Zj

Leezee Life Strategies

05/18/13 1:32 AM

#8019 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

Thank You and Good Luck to You Sir...


05/18/13 2:41 AM

#8020 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

there may be some interesting clues in the filing you noted as you calculated the math on the dilution.

first, about how long the 'mailing' of the information may take.
and second, is the future A/S change a certainty?

the last time they had proposed an A/S change, along with the 1 for 100 R/S (which we know was cancelled), the mailing was to take place 12 days after approval.

in our current situation, if it were the same it would be 12 days after may 9th before the mailing would occur, and the 20 day clock starts ticking, which would put us into mid June if the timeline were similar. but interestingly, we know the R/S was cancelled recently, and the mentioned A/S increase to 500m never happened either. even though the language below from that filing makes it sound like it was a certainty:

On March 7, 2013, the Board of Directors of the Company and its control shareholder approved the 1:100 reverse split of the common stock and the amendment to increase the shares authorized to 500 million shares. That action is expected to become effective 20 days after the mailing of an Information Statement to all shareholders of record on March 7, 2013, which mailing is anticipated to occur on or about March 19, 2013.


05/18/13 9:04 AM

#8029 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

Great post_thanks TPL


05/18/13 9:32 AM

#8031 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

TPL thank you sir.


05/18/13 10:16 AM

#8037 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

This should be stickied


05/18/13 10:17 AM

#8038 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

Awesome DD & Post TPL~

AEGY .0023 = Monstaaa!!!


05/18/13 12:20 PM

#8052 RE: The_Pink_Lawyer #7998

TPL... You are a WELCOMED presence on this board. I couldn't have said it better myself.

EVERYONE should pay close attention to these words. This is actually worthy of a sticky, but I won't be in front of my computer until this evening. I will do so then, unless another MOD sees this and does so before I do.

Thank you for your time & effort to explain this to the rest of the board.

Member mark for you TPL!