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05/10/13 5:58 PM

#9149 RE: fcpgalltheway #9148

Another non-answer. What is with this company? I have never in 25 years working as a senior leader in Sales and Marketing for a fortune 100 co. Experienced this type of behavior. Of course this is my 1st venture into "penny land".
I am bamboozled.

Red Hackle

05/10/13 7:22 PM

#9150 RE: fcpgalltheway #9148

Okay, time for someone on this board with deep pockets to step up and lend the Wangster the funds he is so desperately searching for...Joking aside..I was joking wasn't I? Kudos to "FC" for making the effort....Thanks!


05/10/13 8:09 PM

#9152 RE: fcpgalltheway #9148

alltheway ----- thanks for posting your reply from doug. looking at it, it lends itself to a number of issues we already know, and leading off is wang needs money. if wang has met with a number of groups, and if that is a fact, he will need to give up something in return. it really is that simple. when you are in dire need, the party across the table has all the aces. good news is that fcpg is being recognized as a going concern, but to move forward, current business model must be adjusted, a certain rub on wang. his impatience could be his undoing if not careful. without capital, fcpg cant grow, and if fcpg cant grow and offer additional product line, contracts will move to a greater source. depending on which side of the table one is at, either wang has the wrong support team in as much as they could not get capital, and they should all be terminated. on the other side, is wang that stubborn he thinks he knows everything? to me and it is a simple reiteration from a number of posters here. 1. he needs to concede on some issues and raise capital now 2. surround himself with more competent people or unload payroll 3. find a partner or agree to be acquired 4. consider moving to hk exchange because it will provide more visibility 5. ask Anhui to take a formal position in fcpg and give them a board seat or two for infusion of capital. this is only a short list. I don't really buy into what doug said to you however, only 50% at best. imo, his response was vanilla, had no substance. doug obviously gave you permission to post an excerpt. if I were wang, and I read it, I would give doug in whatever capacity he is in a red slip. portrays a company in disarray and one in which the big wangster did not have faith in his own group. summing up, a whole lot of nothing to me. I am still betting fcpg reports favorable numbers for 2012 and first qtr 2013. I still think wang will get capital or be acquired / merged. options left ------ zero. wang will not allow himself to be taken out and walk away with nothing. he needs to grow up, step aside as president and bring in a rainmaker who knows how to run fcpg top to bottom. will he be willing to do it?????????? have a good weekend everyone, david


05/11/13 12:21 AM

#9153 RE: fcpgalltheway #9148

Same here FC. Thanks very much for your help and efforts. It's
been my theory that Wang is a smart "small" businessman like my
dad. But now he's in deeper waters and trying to find his way
out and needs help. This will in the end turn out to be good
for us when he does get help from any direction. I'll be lucky
if I get a message back from McTevia. If I should, most likely
it will be abstract and generic in content with little info.