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Yo 11

05/10/13 1:31 PM

#11588 RE: Gutts2318 #11586

I thought the purpose of this board was to talk with fellow investors. But all you want is for anyone here is to pick up their pom poms and cheer their money going down by 50% because of lack of communication- even if you tell all that you are holding. This is just a damn cheerleading board. GLTA
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05/11/13 11:21 AM

#11610 RE: Gutts2318 #11586

LOL Gutts, somewhat true but the CEO has a responsibilty to the share holders to release material information. Then again, this a pinky stinky so our expectations need to be realistic.

Sebastien DuFort, president and CEO stated "We are very excited to deploy this new strategy and have already identified several opportunities. As you can imagine there is a host of administrative tasks to complete when implementing a new direction and we are making great strides. We are looking forward to updating everyone on our progress."

ID Global plans to be fully operational by March 15, 2013 and expects to complete its due diligence process on current opportunities in the next ninety days.

UPDATING? 90 Days? Expects?

This is the week bro imo