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04/26/13 4:37 PM

#20389 RE: carlosc #20388

Management over all done a great job. They have been in business for many years and obviously if paying the bills were a problem- we would know about, unless PRogafa willing to bring specific case- all this just a speculation and unfair to Petaquilla .
I work for one of the top company in USA and we make contractors wait sometimes 60 days before they get paid – it is becoming a normal in corporate world, good or bad.
I’m done on this subject.
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04/26/13 5:41 PM

#20390 RE: carlosc #20388

I think I am in your camp was able to get a mine up and running in the middle of the jungle. No easy job. Feather in their cap. Also faced a lot of native opposition on and off and that won't go away. Mining is a dirty business and operating in a pristine forest won't go unchallenged.

That said, PTQ has the Panama political power behind it right now and those with money in Panama want it to succeed. Maybe the same can be said for Spain. Too soon to tell but alot of the right signs are there. PTQ success wouldn't happen without that backing. This gives PTQ management a lot of aces up their sleeves. Still the mining business in Panama will not be a easy road.

Most gold miners are down as much as PTQ so I have to assume that the share price is out of their control. When gold miners in general start to reap the rewards and that is reflected in the share price, PTQ should be among the better performers. I will never expect great company performance from PTQs management though.

Have a great weekend all.


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04/27/13 10:58 AM

#20391 RE: carlosc #20388

Outstanding post Carlosc and I agree with it 100%. Your post speaks from logic and fairness. I don't know for what reason, but there has always appeared to be a distrust for the management of this company, not that many junior miners are well respected to begin with, but IMO the cloud that hangs over PTQ is the biggest reason the valuations continue to lag their peers.

The story I hope and pray will unfold at sometime in the future is IF we ever get money coming back into the junior miners it won't really matter about the past management gaffs, missed projections, or overdue payments. I believe for PTQ's SP to really take off the market is going to have to look past all of those issues and just be buying the junior mining sector. The problem is how long that will take to happen, I thought it would have been before now.
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04/27/13 10:27 PM

#20392 RE: carlosc #20388

I am also tired....

Of people who have no education, experience, knowledge, or information about the company, passing judgement on executives who have outstanding credentials, years of mining experience, intimate knowledge of the industry, and complete access to all operations data, plans, challenges, and budgets, thereby dismissing them as fools, idiots, frauds, etc.

Of people who have never even been to Panama or Spain speaking ex-cathera, and criticizing matters about which they are totally ignorant.

Of people ridiculing our latest board member and denigrating his family and past...go read the posts for yourself.

Of people obviously posting lies when they are well aware of the historical record that is there for all to see.

Of people making totally untrue and illogical statements as to actions taken and purposely driven misstatements of facts to mislead others who may not be informed, but are of good heart.

Of people too lazy to do any due diligence or analysis themselves yet feel free to criticize others who do and bring that information to the board. If we spend our own money on research and travel to Spain, Portugal, Panama, and attend conferences and meetings with management, we are criticized and ridiculed when we share information we have gleaned with the board.

As a result of the above I, an others of like mind, have established our own network outside the board, where we are able to intelligently share and discuss information that helps all of us understand the actualities of the situations, and take full advantage of the opportunities those exchanges afford us. At one time, before our moderator lost interest and moved on to pursue his own career, there could be found value here. Now...not so much.

If one shares accurate information, it falls on deaf ears and one is taken to task at every turn. That is the board's loss...not ours.

Remember: Answer not to an unwise man according to his lack of wisdom, lest thou become like unto him; but answer a fool according to his folly, lest he appear to himself to be wise. Speak not in the ears of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.

Have a great weekend.