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12/03/05 12:01 PM

#1077 RE: echos #1072


You are right. Abu Gharib "torture" photos did some major harm when it comes to opinion and changing hearts and minds.

The problem is the media coverage of such. It was a big deal and i will not try to claim otherwise. Countless hours of media coverage was devoted to it contributing to the loss of credibility of our military.

While coverage of such is warranted if the media would focus the same amount of attention to the much worse attrocities of the groups we are trying to defeat then there would be a level playing field.

Right now a group of terrrorists are holding 4 hostages (peace protestors ironically) and threatening to kill them unless we release all prisoners we are holding. obviously we are not going to release the prisoners.

The attrocities by the opposition far outweigh the "torture" of prisoners in Abu Graib but these attrocities warrant minor coverage in "our" media so you can only imagine the low priority given to it by middle eastern media while Abu Graib is front page headline news for months. Everyday!

You will never convince me that the media doesnt pursue strories against this administration specifically and the right in general with much more vigor than it would the left or even enemies of our nation. That is a sad commentary considering that the battle of hearts and minds is won by large part through the media and obviously ours more closely resembles a propaganda arm of the opposition forces than reporters of the truth.

You can interpret this to mean that I believe the media should subvert the truth and simply report stories with a pro American slant but that is not what i am saying at all. I am simply saying that a media that focused on a balanced effort to tell the whole story would go a long way towards helping us win the battle of hearts and minds.

The media has succeeded in weakening the resolve of americans, with their uneven coverage of this whole situation. You can see how this could possibly play out. The insurgents see their effors are working to weaken the resolve of the American people which causes them to beef up their attacks.

By hand wringing and lamenting every casualty we sustain the press plays right into the hands of the insurgents.(of course the Sunnis dont want us in there they after all were the oppressive minority for generations and in a democracy they will not receive the same priviledge). The press can pretend to write stories about how they want to stop this war due to casualties but much like vietnam their efforts to do so will only strengthen the enemies resolve and lead to much more American casualties and eventually our defeat. Then after huge loss of life and a military defeat (that most americans have no clue as to the significance and rammifications that would bring) the press and the left can pat themselves on the back and pretend that they have done a good thing by ending the war where in reality their uneven coverage will not only lead to a far greater number of deaths to our military and a weakening of resolve that would cause us to cut and run which would further embolden terror groups for future attacks and render the entire effort useless.

Getting out the truth in a corrupt press is not undermining democracy. The terrorists/insurgents etc. have unfettered access to the middle eastern media where they can make the most outrageous assertions imaginable full of lies and deception that is unchallenged. I dont believe telling the truth with a slant towards our view undermines democracy.

Unfortuantely these morons get caught.

This is public spending that is a matter of public record. It is nothing new. It happens possibly in every country in the world. It has certainly happened in during previous wars. It happened in the cold war.

The only difference is the medias willingness more lie a desire to make it public knowledge.

You may call it good reporting. I call it digging under every rock, ignoring past precedent, and just basically doing everything they can to harm this administration and far worse the military and our efforts make the world a safer place to be.

I am sure you believe what you said about "these morons always get caught".

I assure you that the only difference between these morons and all past morons running the show is the press coverage and the effort to attack at every possible turn.

If you really want to know why Bush has dropped 50% points in popularity as previously posted look no further than the well orchestrated and deliberate attempt by the left wing with the full backing of the media to do exactly that.