I tried to end the day on a high note, but the EUR/JPY pair dipped just below 128.00 at the 11PM expiration, so my other winning trades that expired at 11PM were negated by that loss. Still, not a bad day, started at $32.50 (only had $29 invested the first trade, guess I had a few left in the account), and ended at $254.
Maybe I can keep it going, get a few more lucky days to end out the week at a workable balance. No more going all-in though, I have learned my lesson. I even took a 20 cent gain on one trade, to keep myself from putting everything in play at once. :-)
Here's my day's balance fluctuations to anyone interested. Maybe if I provide some sort of update, I'll be more inclined to stick to the "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" approach. One final note, just because the balance moves up and down in spikes, that is simply based on entry times, not closing times, so I may have taken a few losses on the later trades, while I made money on the earlier entries, but the drop could be shown at the end. Still, it will give a general sense of where things are going, I would think.