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04/17/13 2:29 PM

#8857 RE: fcpgalltheway #8856


Red Hackle

04/17/13 2:31 PM

#8858 RE: fcpgalltheway #8856

"Good on ya FC"


04/17/13 3:29 PM

#8859 RE: fcpgalltheway #8856

I'm not buying one ounce of this, not one. No replies to any emails or inquiries, then all of sudden a quick email to Doug, and he responds. His comments show he is full of crap, and maybe this was the plan all along. Rottenberg acts as auditor, not legal. A pr is legal presentation. Even if I believed this crap, rottenberg has already prepared filings on behalf of fcpg, and if there were questions left over from previous group, that would have been disseminated and corrected. Just as you suspected .......... You will not like this Alltheway, and I am sure to be ridiculed, criticized, blasted, whatever but here goes. Alltheway whom do you work for? You need to finally come clean. I've taken a great deal of time to better understand motivation. The puppet pocket called Doug responded to a few here at ihub, then only you, only you. Then not to long ago you surface with portions of emails from this guy named Doug that was new to this group. When you get squeezed by everyone on this board, you leave for a few days and reemerge like nothing happened. Your verbiage would show you have much closer contact with fcpg / wang, and if not, you are one of the people ihub has used in the past to muddy up boards. Your post will bring this pps down dramatically, you know it too. Moving the pps up, who are you kidding. There is not one poster here that buys that. Failing to file late filing, promise to file however next week, ect, and we are saved. Safe to say this will be my last post for a long period. Good luck to all, I will remain long, but enough is enough. If I have offended all here, I apologize , david


04/17/13 11:33 PM

#8862 RE: fcpgalltheway #8856

Fcpgalltheway, if Q-10's need to be restated than the past 10-K's will have to be restated as well. Non-Reliance on previous financials.:-) LOL!!

See ya at .05.


04/17/13 11:35 PM

#8863 RE: fcpgalltheway #8856

Fcpgalltheway, I hope you sold your shares in the .20's from buying at .10. Now you can use that money to buy at .05 and lower.:-)


04/17/13 11:43 PM

#8864 RE: fcpgalltheway #8856

Fcpgalltheway, a PR next week stating that previous financial are not to be relied upon is not positive news.



04/18/13 11:00 AM

#8870 RE: fcpgalltheway #8856

Alltheway, now that I have had overnight to think about this post and what is happening I'd like to know why when asked about your involvement with First China you offer no explanation. If you are not a paid individual then why not just tell us you're not. If your not paid then you seen to believe every word that comes out of Doug's mouth. You act like he is preaching from the gospel of First China in the new testament. Does Doug sit at the right hand of Wang!!! If you notice, he didn't mention one word when the 10k is going to be filed. How can that seem positive news as you state?

In the past I have had your back. No more, unless you come clean and stop drinking the company kool-aid.