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04/10/13 4:01 PM

#59868 RE: THE_BAMFACTSTER!! #59867

I have been a shareholder for the past several years and have been following the T Mobil case as close as possible. Today I read an artilce about VirnetX filing for a new trial against Cisco because the the Cisco attorneys confusing the jury and not following the construction as instructed by the judge. You can read this on Seeking Alpha - VirnetX on the web. Just look up VirnetX on MSN finance and this new topic should appear.

In the filing it pointed out that the jury was directed and confused about the VPN in question and was told they use the industry standard VPN and led the jury away from the construction of a specific VPN patent that VirnetX owned.

This sounds so similar to the arguements that T Mobile used in the case of distance being predetermined or within a certain range. Confusion could have caused the judge to think there was substantial difference between the 2 different parameters. It is worth reading. It seems the tactic by T Mobile is the same as what the attorneys for Cisco used, and if so, an appeal on those terms may be valid.


04/10/13 4:30 PM

#59870 RE: THE_BAMFACTSTER!! #59867

OTOH, he stands to get as much as Three billion dollars if he/we wins the appeal. That's a lot of incentive.