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04/05/13 12:09 PM

#25182 RE: Milesblue42 #25181

Unfortunately I was having a medical procedure that day and couldn't listen or attend the voice conference. I would've asked him about the Torchia fitness app for sure. Don't you also find it surprising that no other caller asked about the fitness app. After all, wasn't everything edwy was doing at the time based on that fitness app! You would think that some shareholder would've asked about that app and why it wasn't completed and on the market.

Makes you believe that the CC was somehow able to void itself of such a question, just seems a little odd that there was no mention or question of the only potential revenue product being worked on at that time!

I finally took the time to read through the annual filing and it lays out in detail the potential revenue possibilities through smart1. Another smoke screen filed with some intellectual garble about vertical markets and cloud based computing and data storage?

I will be surprised as anyone if and when a revenue bearing product hits the open markets, just getting a bad feeling about everything that's been going on. It's like a small child who told a little fib which in turn resulted in a larger fib and on and on until finally the truth would prevail. I certainly hope not, there are to many individuals who probably have families just like the people who run this company who will and are impacted by the results. I would think that all of us would like to see a successful launch of a viable product, that would certainly make everyone feel quite a bit better!

As always, good luck to all......