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04/05/13 10:15 AM

#14747 RE: slowsteady #14737

One has to keep in mind that the reason we get involved in playing the stock market is to make money.
It is great if one has ideals as to the way things should be, but in my 60 years on the planet, I have not found ANY organization that is 100% honest. My personal feeling is that the ONLY place you can find 100% honesty is in God, and I am not talking about religious organizations either.

Getting back to the stock thing, the most important thing for each trader is to sell at a price that is higher than what we paid for a stock. The way that you do that is to look for opportunities that will make that most likely. A stock broker does not ask you if you think that particular stock you invest in is 100% legitamate. They merely collect a commission on your stock trades. So in the end, what difference does it make if you profited from a stock rising on pure fundamentals, or take advantage of a buying frenzy triggered by a tout service.

Incidentally, there is no one who has more of a work ethic than I do, and I have been employed for the last 24 years in a trade where I work with my hands. I give my employer an honest day's work, and that is more than I can say about some other people who work for my employer. I do not allow the fact that the executives at the company I work for make WAY more money than they SHOULD be making.
The fact that they may be in effect stealing more than their fare share is NOT my problem.
So the stock market gives the working man, and anyone else for that matter, a shot at making extra money. For all practical purposes, the stock market is pretty much a glorified gambling casino.

This business about GDGI supposedly being "above" using a tout service is pure nonsense, simply because Ben has been either CEO or president while they have used touts at least 38 times before.