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04/04/13 4:21 PM

#145264 RE: indyjonesohio #145241

Have you got wind of this private company who developed an artificial intelligence surveillance system?
Teaming agreements seem to make you folks happy so I thought I would share this. Seems to me that it would be a potential relationship.

See Below................

BRS Labs Investor Update
January 30, 2013
Dear BRS Investor,

You may have seen the press release we sent out a couple of months ago about our partnership with Alava to cover the EU market.

With sponsorship from the US Commercial Service at the US Embassy in Madrid Spain, we successfully launched our expansion into the European market yesterday at an event with over 300 members of the European security community.

In attendance:
• Directors of Security for the Madrid transit system
• Spanish Government security officials
• The US State Department security teams from several countries
as well as major partners including:
• Alava Engineering
• Indra
• and others
The US Commercial Service at the US Embassy in Madrid broadcast this event to 19 other US Embassies as part of an effort to assist in the advancement of BRS Labs throughout Europe.

Additionally, over 30 members of the European press were in attendance. BRS projects in advanced development highlighted at this event include surveillance enhancement projects at:
• The Cairo Egypt Transit System
• The Panama Canal
• City wide surveillance projects in Barcelona, Rome, and others.
As we advance forward with our award winning AiSight surveillance software, we are expecting to continue working with the US Commercial Service to rapidly expand AiSight to markets and Embassies around the world. There is no better endorsement for our product than the US Government on the world stage and no better way to position our success than with the US State Department as our partner!

The following is a translated version of a news article that ran in national papers yesterday:

Over 300 attendees looked on as Alava and the US State Department demonstrates how AISight is used in the field.

"It works like a brain observes, learns and responds," was stressed in the presentation on Tuesday in Madrid. "We believe AISight can provide excellent results in the field of banking, utilities and the security forces, especially the police," said a director Area Security Company.

Alava Ingenieros Markets AISight, the New Video Analysis Solution from BRS Labs

Alava Ingenieros presented AISight, the intelligent recognition system for behavioral surveillance operations that provides real-time alerts to suspicious activity developed by the U.S. company BRS Labs (Behavioral Recognition Systems).

Alava Ingenieros has organized an event at Casa de America in Madrid to present the technology of the firm BRS Labs, which markets in Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar and Andorra under an agreement with the U.S. surveillance software company. This intelligent system for behavior recognition in video surveillance operations provides real-time alerts to unexpected or suspicious activity.

The system uses cognitive reasoning (via machine learning engines) to process visual information at a level similar to the human brain. This is a totally revolutionary solution to the security sector, based on video analysis systems using intelligent learning t detect threats and generating timely alerts in real time. It applies to critical infrastructure protection, public safety, transportation and logistics applications, among other areas. This system is highly automated artificial intelligence, supports a wide variety of network cameras and dramatically improves visibility in organizations seeking real-time recognition of threats.

AISight is installed and from the first minute begins to learn what is normal The system produces information for situational awareness in a few days without programming or any human intervention. AISight can be installed in thousands of cameras from multiple locations. Operators-Users receive real-time alerts of unusual or suspicious activity to isolate any potential threats and make decisions quickly and accurately. This capability improves situational awareness in organizations who are seeking to recognize potential threats in real time. This security solution is applicable to critical infrastructure protection, public safety, transportation and logistics applications, etc.

Main advantages:
* Increased efficiency
* Reduction of false alarms
* Cost reduction
* Increase the level of situational awareness to combat crime and terrorism

AISight is the first and only product that increases the value of the security infrastructure by bringing truly advanced artificial intelligence to video surveillance. Security forces can now recognize potential threats faster, more accurately and efficiently allowing them to respond to danger in real-time.

Press Contacts:
David Wright Joel Deitch
MediaBridge Public Relations BRS Labs
408-363-2843 678-463-0715

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