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03/30/13 6:26 PM

#3605 RE: mtds #3600

Someone on this site suggested we need BP to get the message out..

IMHO..nothing could be further from the truth..Those of you who have followed my posts on Yahoo, know that I am no fan of BP..."BP think" is old think. Like all the moneyed interests they do not want change, do not care about innovation. They are content to pay off the law makers by "campaign contributions", collect their profits on drugs someone else invented, and suppress competition.

J&J bought of the two remaining Breast implant manufacturers, a couple of years ago...As well as alienating hoards of plastic surgeons, I am seeing a huge increase in problems with breast implants, mainly seroma formation, in the new implants..

BPs are hierarchical and bureaucratic..not fertile ground for free thinking..unless its how to suck up to your boss, or get rid of the competition..

AMRN and we have many avenues open...AMRN should consider hiring Dr. Sears as a spokesperson...He has sold over 5 million books, is affiliated with MIT and thinks on the wave length that AMRN ought to be on...

Why the FDA has locked down the Vascepa data on inflammation only the FDA knows..Personally IMHO by rights they should have allowed the ANCHOR data on the labeling..Vascepa aced the ANCHOR SPA..

Finally the internet is empowering...Vernor Vinge is a author much more well known at MIT than in the general population..In one of his recent books "Rainbows End"..he writes about the superhuman intelligence that can result from connecting vast numbers of people electronically..IMO we have the resources to solve the problem of getting this information on inflammation out if we collectively put our minds together.

":>) JL