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03/26/13 5:22 PM

#20122 RE: mjkiii #20114

As usual you're making a mountain out of a mole hill. It was all over the news the Cyprian banks were over-levered like 800 times what they should have been and were a disaster waiting to happen.
The disaster showed up and the banksters took what they thought they could get away with. Like I said in my earlier post if you don't know the risks of where you have your money you deserve to lose it. So far it looks like what was done worked. Gold is down and the markets are up, so where's the crisis? IMO you won't see any bank runs until something like this happens in a country that matters. Unfortunately Cyprus doesn't fit that description. They just had to bend over, grab their ankles and bear the pain. Ouch!

You and Steve Forbes can stay up all night worrying about the depositors over there that got hosed. There's not a damn thing either one of you can do about it.